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Modified Sonic Mood Board
  • Continue to develop vocabulary through which we can speak about sound without depending on causality
  • Apply skills from tutorials
  • Consider how sound drives emotion
A "Visual Mood Board" is an assembly of images that is used to evoke an emotion. Often used in advertising, these boards might test how customers will perceive a particular design or product. Will the images make them feel sad, evoke fear or make them feel like going shoe shopping!
This assignment is a modification of that idea.
You and a partner will be assigned one emotion, and you will each create a 60-70 second Sonic Mood Board by doing the following:
  • Using your phone, partners will record one another explaining a time they experienced the emotion. You will have 100 -120 seconds to speak. Try to tell an interesting story. Present tense can be engaging!
  • You will have ten minutes to prepare to record your story, and you may want to write down what you will say. Be careful that you don't sound like you are reading when you record though!
  • Transfer your partner's recording into your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)--Audacity, Reaper, or Audition.
  • Select some free and legal sound effects and import them. You might check out SoundBible, or
  • Apply what you learned about editing sound files to compose this short project. It should be 60-70 seconds, not more or less.
  • Mix the sound effects in. Edit out "ums" and awkward pauses. 
  • You are encouraged to experiment with FX (digital effects) to help establish a mood, tone, or feeling.
  • Post your final sonic mood board on your blog by uploading it to SoundCloud or a similar platform. Do not try to post your Mp3 directly to your blog.
  • In the same post as the sonic mood board, write a 1-2 paragraph reflection in which you explain your design choices.
  • Be prepared to share your sonic mood board and explain your rhetorical choices: the effects you used & why you chose them.  
Sound Can Evoke Emotion
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